Dion Ludwig

Information and Socials

If you have any further questions, shoot me a message on my socials!

Eyo, I'm Dion Ludwig Hidalgo, also goes by Phypfr or Sonne!

I'm a Filipino so I pull up at GMT+8 but bear with me because our region is notorious for blackouts and poor internet connection.

I do digital art and I mainly draw humans and furries. I use IbispaintX version 5.6.1(thumb) and the og MS Paint (mouse).

ESFJ-A | Ambivert

Commission Status
Modes of Payment:
Paypal or Gcash


Simple Characters - $15
Detailed Characters - $17
Additional Stuffs - $2

Half Body

note that this has a more painterly approach to the styleSimple Characters - $20
Detailed Characters - $25
Additional Stuffs - $3

Flat Portraits

Simple Characters - $6
Detailed Characters - $8
Additional Stuffs - $2

!Charges may increase depending on how detailed or complicated your request will be!
I can draw mostly any specie, but if you are unsure you can always ask heheH

!Terms of Service!

I have the right to decline your commission request without a reason.

Pay full or half after the sketch has been confirmed. You can pay the remaining half after the base coloring stage.

Refunds can only be made if the progress is only on sketch. Absolutely NO REFUNDS if the base coloring process has started.

I accept free revisions on the sketch phase, any revisions further in the process will be charged depending on how much change is needed.

I hold all rights to my art. You can sell it but do not claim it as your own.
I'll draw anything as long as it isn't illegal, political and hate art.

!Frequently Asked Questions!

What's your Mode of Payment?
I only accept payments via Paypal and GCash.

Do you accept commissions that rely on Artistic Freedom?
Nope! I prefer commissioners that gives detailed instructions on how they want the final artwork to come out.

What's your Turn around Time?
Roughly around 4 days - 4 weeks. If I exceed 2 weeks without any updates, I will only give you a refund if you have already paid full upfront.

What canvas size do you use in your arts?
All commissioned art are at Width 1000 x Height 1200 pixels. Canvas size can't be adjusted because my phone will go kaboom if I use a thiccer canvas.

What happens if I commission you?
Hehe, I'll be asking you about poses and concepts that you'd like for your commission, after that I'll be giving you updates on the sketch and what you'd want to change or adjust!

After the payment process I'll be sending you more updates on the line work and base color for you to check if I colored something wrong or you'd like me to recolor some items! After that I'll be doing the shading and it should be done by then!

I have a process of doing art which is sketch-line-color-shade. I won't continue the process if you haven't responded to my update. I need your confirmation so that I could progress further on your commission and avoid any misunderstandings!

And thank you if you do so! I usually use the commission funds to pay some bills.★

Commission Queue

  • Open !

  • Open !